Anytime we make a choice, we entail a cost. Sometimes the costs are obvious like when you choose eggs and bacon for breakfast instead of oatmeal. Other times, the costs are not as obvious such as when you choose to take the back roads instead of the highway and you get stuck behind a farmer driving his tractor.

Even superheroes have to make choices. And like us, sometimes the costs are obvious and sometimes they are not. Heroes save people. That’s what they do. It doesn’t seem like too hard of a choice. You save the person because if you don’t they could die. But in the hero world, even those choices that seem clear cut can have disastrous consequences.

When Miles Morales saves a police captain in another dimension, he thinks he is doing something any hero would do. Unfortunately, by undertaking this heroic action, he unknowingly alters a canon event. This could lead to the unwinding of that dimension and the death of everyone in it. Being Spider-Man, it turns out, isn’t all fun and games. It turns out, if you’re going to be a superhero there are things you have to give up. Sometimes you give up going to a party, or doing your homework. Other times, the costs are more substantial, like a police captain, Uncle Ben, or Uncle Aaron. Will Miles oppose the canon and risk destroying his universe?

1 thought on “The costs of being Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

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