Starting your own business is expensive. Even for superheroes. Especially if the superheroes are way down the popularity list like Solo, Madcap, Masacre, Slapstick, Foolkiller, Terror and Stingray. If these names do not ring a bell, well, there’s a reason for that: they aren’t popular. Deadpool collected this group of C-list misfits for an ill-fated business venture, and after not getting paid for months on end, they decide to strike out on their own. The problem is… they need money to get up and running.
Enter an unlikely source of investment dollars: Cable. Cable was made slightly more famous by his appearance in the movie Deadpool 2, but he is a regular in Deadpool comics (there is even a comic series “Deadpool and Cable”). One of the things Cable can do is travel through time, and if you want to be sure that money is never a problem, traveling through time is an enormous benefit.
Cable tries to explain this to the Mercs. His financial secret is planning. He know he spends a lot, so to be sure money is never a problem he goes back in time, makes a deposit, and lets the interest pile up. The further back he goes, the more time that interest can compound. That’s a great strategy… if you can travel back in time. Now the only question is whether the Mercs can convince Cable to invest in their start-up.
It is going to take a lot of convincing.
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