After a 70-year long sleep, Steve Rodgers, aka Captain America, wakes up to a world with which he is unfamiliar.  After a short chase, Nick Fury let’s Cap know about his new situation.  Cap despairs that he had a date.  Maybe he should be thinking about his finances instead.

Over the course of 70 years, savings can grow a lot.  Compounding interest allows savings to build up exponentially over time.  This is a great thing for Cap’s bank account.  The longer you have to save, the more savings can build over time, even if you do not add to the principal amount of savings.  A hypothetical situation for a number of heroes and their finances can be found under the “How to teach” section of the website or by clicking here.

5 thoughts on “Cap wakes up: Captain America the First Avenger

  1. Heather Owen says:

    Is there a lesson plan to go along with this movie clip?

  2. Heather, thanks for asking. I am putting one together. It should be available soon.

  3. Heather,
    Based on your prompting I moved the lesson plan up in the order. It is in an early stage that requires some editing, but the bones of the lesson are now available. Let me know what you think.

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