Design an economic superhero by creatively applying concepts learned throughout the semester.
TIme needed
This is an out of class project, so no class time is required.
materials required
This out of class assignment functions as a way for students to consider the practicality of an economic concept. By designing a superhero based on an economic power, students are considering what topics in economics have power beyond the classroom. Furthermore, they are applying what they have learned by considering the good (the hero) and the bad (the villain) aspects of a topic.
Create your own superhero. You must provide an economic-inspired name for their hero along with what superpowers the hero would possess. A brief back story of how the hero acquired their powers and a catchphrase should accompany your description. To round off your creation, add an arch-nemesis for the hero, including an economic themed name. A drawing of the hero would be a nice touch if you have that skill set.
Here is an example of a hero, the Equalizer, and a villain, Becky Bankruptcy.
The Equalizer
The Equalizer is a hero like no other. He can bring demand and supply together ensuring producers and consumers are equally satisfied by a transaction. The Equalizer, aka Adam deSmith, was a mild mannered copy machine repairman when a customer, irritated by the price of copy machine toner, carelessly spilled the toner on him. At precisely the same time he was struck by lightning. When he awoke he soothed the customer by suggesting a better price. The Equalizer has been heard to say “the market price will save the day”!

Becky Bankruptcy
Becky tries to thwart the Equalizer by encouraging bad financial decisions. Becky was warped as a child by watching too much television. Unbeknownst to her, the commercials shown during her cartoon watching binges subliminally encouraged her to spend money frivolously. Armed with a credit score of 4 (out of 800), Becky now uses her financial il-literacy to wreak havoc in the markets by keeping demand and supply from meeting.