The young Mr. Incredible works alone. He relies upon his powers to get the job done. IncrediBoy gets by on his tech. Without powers, his capital allows him to arrive at the scene of the crime. Both characters want to stop the bad guys, but they do it in very different ways. They could team up to be more successful, but Mr. Incredible doesn’t see it that way. He doesn’t need help … or at least that’s what he thinks. Remember, the movie this clip comes from from is called “The Incredibles” not “Mr. Incredible”.
When it comes to accomplishing a goal like reducing crime, there is more than one way to get the job done. Sometimes labor intensive is the way to go, other times capital intensive is better. Specialization can also lead to more output, which is what happens later in The Incredibles movie, when Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and their kids team up to fight Syndrome. Unfortunately for IncrediBoy, and the rest of the world, Mr. Incredible didn’t see this earlier.