In an attempt to teach the team about earning money, Robin introduces the idea of equity. At first the Titans are horrified with how boring this sounds, but when Robin convinces them that there is money to be made, the Teen Titans change their tune, and do the most logical thing in the world: buy a rental property.
Being a landlord is no walk in the park however. They have to pay for their purchase, which is a great example of a fixed cost. They are now responsible for upkeep on the building and spend their day maintaining the building. Robin tells them they are earning sweat equity, but to Beast Boy, it just sounds like work. For the Titans all of that work is a variable cost of running their new business.
Entrepreneurship is often a lot of work. You have to pay attention to your costs before the profits start to roll in. And if you don’t keep your property in good order, you can lose equity.